As I've probably mentioned...oh, how can I not? I was in France. She is slowly fading from me now, though far too quickly for me. But, while I was there, I couldn't help but pick up numerous lovely hand made or locally designed pieces. Many, many friends got little crafts in the mail over the last year, some are still waiting while I sort through the mess of things spreading out in my otherwise empty apartment. Here are a few pictures of the lovely things I did buy.
The Tete de Mule is a Robert Mucca, made in Toulouse; the leather, handbound one (which I'm super excited to use!) was made in...some little town on the Mediterranean. Agde! Very touristy, but there was some cute stuff, including a wacky woman with a wacky shop selling all sorts of post-menopausal art (sorry, but there is this very cliché genre of art that seems to appeal to women in their 50s/60s. Maybe it's linked with growing up in the 60s and 70s, I don't know. There isn't anything wrong with it, but it seems typical of a very specific range of women). Anyway, she had really cool collaged keys, made into pendants. Anyway, next to her shop was another where I bought the leather journal, and a really cool shrug/jacket thing. That makes two more pictures I have to take and post here.
And this is a bag made in Montpellier. I really liked the North-African print, probably from Tunisia, I am guessing.

These are from a shop in Toulouse, from l'Atelier d'Alexane, who makes handbags and coin purses.
More journals from Toulouse, this magazine I didn't get the name of, and there is NO markings on the journals as to who made them, which is really too bad. Note to all crafters: if I get it home and I don't know who made it or how to get in touch with you, you lose! I, too, lose, because I can't get more stuff from you!
This pretty little hand-drawn book mark is from Montpellier. Same for this one--no name, no name. Though I think I can find it if I try.
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